علاج البويضات الصغيرة: كيف نكبر ونحسن من جودتها؟

تعاني بعض السيدات من مشكلة صغر حجم البويضات، مما قد يؤثر على فرص الحمل.

في هذه المقالة، ستتناول الدكتورة ريهام الشال، أخصائية طب وجراحة النساء والتوليد وتأخر الإنجاب والحقن المجهري، طرق علاج البويضات الصغيرة بالتفصيل.

ما هو الحجم الطبيعي للبويضة؟

يُعتبر الحجم الطبيعي للبويضة قبل التبويض ما بين 18 إلى 22 ملم.

علامات تدل على صغر حجم البويضة

تأخر الحمل على الرغم من اتباع طرق الإنجاب الطبيعية.

قلة عدد البويضات الناضجة في كل دورة شهرية.

الشعور بألم خفيف في منطقة البطن خلال فترة التبويض.

عدم انتظام الدورة الشهرية.

علاج البويضات الصغيرة

يعتمد علاج البويضات الصغيرة على سبب المشكلة، وتشمل العلاجات المتاحة ما يلي:

1. الأدوية المنشطة للتبويض:

الأدوية عن طريق الفم: مثل كلوميفين وكلوستيلبيجيت.

الأدوية عن طريق الحقن: مثل هرمون FSH وهرمون LH.

2.الطرق الطبيعية:

اتباع نظام غذائي صحي: غني بالفواكه والخضروات والحبوب الكاملة والبروتين.

ممارسة الرياضة بانتظام: لمدة 30 دقيقة على الأقل في معظم أيام الأسبوع.

الحصول على قسط كافٍ من النوم: 7-8 ساعات كل ليلة.

تقليل التوتر والقلق: من خلال تقنيات الاسترخاء مثل اليوغا والتأمل.

تناول المكملات الغذائية: مثل فيتامين د وحمض الفوليك.

3. تقنيات الإنجاب المساعدة:

التلقيح الصناعي: يتم تلقيح البويضة خارج الجسم ثم زرعها في الرحم.

الحقن المجهري: يتم حقن الحيوان المنوي مباشرة في البويضة داخل الجسم.

نصائح هامة

استشارة الطبيب المختص: لتحديد السبب المناسب لصغر حجم البويضة واختيار العلاج الأنسب.

المتابعة الدورية مع الطبيب: لمراقبة استجابة المبيضين للعلاج.

الصبر والمثابرة: قد لا تظهر نتائج العلاج بشكل فوري، لذا من المهم التحلي بالصبر والمثابرة.

ختامًاصغر حجم البويضة مشكلة قابلة للعلاج، مع اتباع الخطوات الصحيحة تحت إشراف الطبيب المختص.

لا تترددي في طرح أسئلتك في التعليقات، وسأقوم بالرد عليها في أقرب وقت ممكن.

شاركي هذه المقالة مع صديقاتك اللواتي يعانين من نفس المشكلة.معًا نخطو نحو رحلة أمومة سعيدة!

Impossible Pregnancy Tales: The Ocular Fibroma Lady’s Story

We bring you back with Stories of Impossible Pregnancy, the series that inspires hope and confirms that nothing is impossible with God. Today, the story of a woman who faced a major natural challenge on her journey toward childbearing, a story that proves that God’s will is above all else.

The story of the fibroid lady

The woman got married at an advanced age, 38 or 39 years old, and she dreamed of having children from the first moment. But soon she faced a major challenge: an aggressive fibroid pressing on the back wall of the uterus.

The woman was surrounded by conflicting advice, as some advised her to remove the tumor before trying to get pregnant, while others saw the possibility of becoming pregnant while the tumor was present.

Journey of hope

The woman arrived at my doctor’s office, where her condition was accurately diagnosed.

Dr. Reham Al-Shall discovered that the uterine cavity is healthy and suitable for pregnancy, while the pressure of the tumor is limited to the posterior uterine wall.

Chance of pregnancy

The medical team offered the woman the opportunity to get pregnant in her current condition, with careful follow-up of the condition. The lady agreed courageously, believing in God’s will.

beautiful surprise

Thanks to God’s will, the lady became pregnant during the last cycle. A story that confirms that nothing is impossible with God, and that God’s will is above everything.

The story of the Violent Fibroid Lady is a candle that lights the paths of hope in the journey of childbearing.

A story that confirms that the journey of hope is full of beautiful surprises, and that God’s will is above all else.

Despite endometriosis, pregnancy occurred after 5 years of delay

We bring you back with Impossible Pregnancy Stories, the series that inspires hope and confirms that nothing is impossible with God.

Today, the story of Asida, who faced a strange natural challenge on her journey toward childbearing, is a story that proves that God’s will is above all else.

Endometriosis story

The woman suffered from delayed pregnancy for 5 years without knowing the reason.

After conducting tests by Dr. Reham Al-Shall, she was diagnosed with a strange condition: a polyp in the lining of the uterus.

Usually, this polyp prevents pregnancy, but my doctor decided to give the woman a chance, relying on God’s will.

Fears and hopes

The woman agreed to go ahead, and the pregnancy began, amid doctors’ concerns that it would not be stable.

My doctor’s team followed the case carefully during the nine months, hoping that the pregnancy would be confirmed and Anhar would have the long-awaited baby.

Thanks to God’s will, the pregnancy was sustained, making this story a living example of God’s ability to achieve the impossible.

A story that confirms that there is no obstacle to God’s will, and that the journey of hope is full of beautiful surprises.

The story of this woman is a candle that lights the paths of hope in the journey of childbearing. A story that confirms that the journey of hope is full of beautiful surprises, and that God’s will is above all else.

Stories of an impossible pregnancy: When the impossible becomes possible, thanks to God

The “Stories of an Impossible Pregnancy” series presents us with inspiring stories of couples who faced difficulties in conceiving. They were told that their pregnancy was impossible, but thanks to their faith in God Almighty and their determination, their dream came true and they became parents.

A story from Yemen

This episode tells us the story of a woman from Yemen who suffered from despair after years of failed attempts to get pregnant.

While she was searching for solutions on the Internet, she came across the “My Doctor” channel on YouTube. The woman felt hopeful again and decided to travel to Egypt to visit the clinic.

Although the woman wanted to undergo ICSI directly, the doctors advised her to continue a normal ovulation cycle without any stimulants or medications, except some vitamins.

The lady considered it a waste of time, especially after 9 years of failed attempts.

A pleasant surprise

At the next follow-up appointment, the woman surprised the doctor with a positive pregnancy test! She and the doctor could not contain themselves from the extreme joy and happiness.

The impossible was achieved thanks to God Almighty, thanks to the woman’s faith and determination, and the doctors’ keenness to follow an appropriate treatment approach. This story confirms to us that God Almighty has power over everything, and that the impossible may become possible thanks to Him.

It also shows us the importance of faith in God, patience, and determination in achieving dreams, no matter how difficult they are.

Share your story

Don’t forget to follow the “My Doctor” channel on YouTube for more inspiring pregnancy stories, and subscribe to the channel to receive notifications of new updates.

The “Stories of an Impossible Pregnancy” series offers hope to anyone struggling to conceive. It assures us that God Almighty does not waste the reward of those who strive, and that determination and faith in God are the key to achieving dreams, even if they seem impossible.

Urinalysis for pregnant women: a key to preventing serious complications

Pregnancy is a unique journey full of physical and psychological changes for women. During this period, the health of the mother and fetus becomes a top priority.

In this article, we will talk about urinalysis for pregnant women, which is a simple examination that can help in early detection of serious problems that may threaten the safety of the mother and fetus.

What is a urine analysis for pregnant women?

It is a routine examination performed during pregnancy to examine a sample of a woman’s urine. This examination helps detect: Bacterial infection of the urinary tract: It is one of the most common complications during pregnancy, and may cause serious complications such as premature birth or low fetal weight.

High blood pressure: Protein in the urine can indicate preeclampsia, which is a serious condition that requires immediate medical care.

Diabetes: A urinalysis can show the presence of sugar in the blood, which may indicate gestational diabetes.

Kidney disease: Some changes in urinalysis may indicate the presence of kidney disease.

Why is urine analysis important for pregnant women?

Early detection of problems: Urine analysis helps in the early detection of many problems that may affect the health of the mother and fetus, which provides a better opportunity for treatment.

Prevention of complications: Through early treatment of problems detected through urine analysis, serious complications can be prevented.

Maintaining the health of the mother and fetus: Urine analysis helps ensure that the mother and fetus receive appropriate health care during pregnancy.

When should a pregnant woman perform a urinalysis?

It is recommended to perform a urine test for the first time when confirming pregnancy.

Urinalysis is repeated periodically during pregnancy, usually every month.

Some pregnant women may be asked to have urinalysis done more frequently, especially if they have symptoms such as burning urine or lower abdominal pain.

Urinalysis is repeated periodically during pregnancy, usually every month.

Some pregnant women may be asked to have urinalysis done more frequently, especially if they have symptoms such as burning urine or lower abdominal pain.

The tray should be filled with a sufficient amount of urine. The urine sample should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible.

How is a urinalysis performed for pregnant women?

The woman is given a container to collect a urine sample.

It is recommended to collect a urine sample early in the morning.

The genital area should be cleaned well before collecting the urine sample.

Tell your doctor about any symptoms you are experiencing, such as burning in the urine or lower abdominal pain.

Important tips

Make sure to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.

Do not hesitate to ask your doctor any questions you have about urine analysis.

Urine analysis for pregnant women is a simple and easy examination that can help in early detection of many problems that may affect the health of the mother and fetus.

Make sure to perform a urine analysis periodically during pregnancy, and follow your doctor’s instructions to maintain good health for you and your fetus.

The story of an impossible pregnancy: when hope triumphs over despair

Today, we are happy to share with you a new story from the “Stories of an Impossible Pregnancy” series. An inspiring story about a couple who faced great difficulties in their journey to have children, but they did not give up hope, and they continued to struggle until they achieved their dream of a long-awaited pregnancy.


The story begins with a woman who lives among her husband’s family, in a society that tends to interfere in personal life matters, even sleeping equipment. The woman is subjected to enormous psychological pressure from her husband’s relatives, who blame her for the delay in pregnancy, which lasted for four years.


After visiting the clinic, the woman was diagnosed with poor ovulation, while her husband suffered from a major problem with his sperm count, as the number was very low (only one and a half to two million sperm).

Hope emerges from despair

Despite their difficult diagnosis, the couple refused to give in to despair. They underwent treatment to regulate ovulation, then the couple resorted to assisted fertilization technology, despite the opposition of those around them due to the husband’s poor tests.

Victory over the impossible

Two months after assisted fertilization, the woman traveled to her country, only to receive good news that changed the course of her life. I’m pregnant!

The story calls on all women who are experiencing difficulties in conceiving not to lose hope. Opportunities still exist, even in the most difficult circumstances.

A message of hope
Share your story

Do you know similar “impossible pregnancy” stories? Share it with us in the comments to spread hope and inspiration to everyone.

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Retroverted uterus: everything you need to know

“Everted uterus” is a common term used to describe when the uterus is tilted backwards instead of its normal forward position. This condition affects approximately 20% of women, and often does not cause any symptoms or health problems.

What is a retroverted uterus?

In its normal position, the uterus is arched, tilted forward over the bladder. While in the case of a retroverted uterus, the uterus tilts back toward the rectum.

Causes of uterine tilt
The causes of uterine tilt are varied, and include

Genetic causes: Genes play a role in determining the position of the uterus.

Gynecological diseases: such as endometriosis and fibroids. Surgery: Some surgeries in the pelvic area may cause the uterus to tilt. Pregnancy: The uterine ligaments stretch during pregnancy, and may not return to their normal position after birth.

Symptoms of inverted uterus

Uterine tilt often does not cause any symptoms. However, some women may experience

Pain in the lower back or pelvic area

Pain during intercourse.

Difficulty urinating or defecating.

Abnormal vaginal discharge.

Does a retroverted uterus affect pregnancy?

The tilt of the uterus usually does not affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant. However, some women may have difficulty:

Follow up pregnancy with ultrasound. Natural childbirth.

Treatment of inverted uterus

Uterine tilt usually does not require any treatment. However, a doctor may recommend treatment if a woman is experiencing bothersome symptoms.

Treatment options
Treatment options include

Medications: Tips for women with a retroverted uterusPainkillers may help relieve symptoms such as pain in the lower back or pelvic area.

Physical therapy: Pelvic floor muscle exercises can help strengthen the ligaments that support the uterus.

Surgery: In rare cases, the doctor may recommend surgery to return the uterus to its normal position.

Tips for women with a retroverted uterus

Exercise regularly.

Maintain a healthy weight.

Avoid lifting heavy objects.

See your doctor regularly.


Uterine tilt is a common and not dangerous condition. It does not cause any symptoms or health problems for most women. However, in some cases, it may cause bothersome symptoms that require treatment.


Make sure to see your doctor if you experience any disturbing symptoms. Do not hesitate to ask the doctor any questions you have. Share this information with your friends and family.

Pregnancy after cesarean section: medical guidelines and advice

Many women who have had a cesarean section ask questions about the possibility of becoming pregnant again, especially after experiencing a cesarean section. In this article, we will discuss the details of pregnancy after a cesarean section, including the appropriate length of time, the number of permissible pregnancies, potential risks, and important public health tips.

The appropriate time period for pregnancy after a cesarean section

Doctors recommend waiting between 18 and 24 months after a cesarean section before trying to get pregnant again. This is because the uterus needs time to completely heal from the surgical incision and form a new layer of tissue.

Risks of early pregnancy after cesarean section

Placental abruption: This is a serious condition that may threaten the life of the mother and fetus.

Uterine rupture: especially in cases of adhesions or scars from previous cesarean sections.

Premature birth: The risk of premature birth increases as the time period between caesarean section and the next pregnancy decreases.

Low fetal weight: The fetal weight may be less than normal in the event of early pregnancy after a cesarean section.

Number of pregnancies allowed after cesarean section

The number of pregnancies allowed after a cesarean section depends on many factors, the most important of which are

Maternal health status: This includes the general condition of the uterus, the presence of any chronic diseases, and the history of previous surgeries.

Type and degree of uterine adhesions: Uterine adhesions are one of the most important factors that determine the number of pregnancies after cesarean section.

Opinion of the specialist doctor: The doctor evaluates each case individually and determines the appropriate number of pregnancies for the woman.

Important public health tips after a cesarean section

Obtaining regular medical care: It is important to follow up with a specialist doctor periodically to ensure complete recovery from a cesarean section, and to detect any complications early.

Follow a healthy diet: A balanced diet helps enhance body health and improve the healing process.

Exercising regularly: Sports help strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve physical fitness.

Get enough sleep: Sleep helps replenish the body’s energy and boost immunity.

Reducing stress and anxiety: Relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation can be practiced to control stress.


A woman who has undergone a caesarean section can safely become pregnant again after following medical advice and health guidelines.

In conclusion, we stress the importance of consulting a specialist doctor before planning a pregnancy after a cesarean section, to obtain the appropriate evaluation and determine the best treatment course.


This article is for guidance and education only, and is not a substitute for consulting a specialist doctor. The information contained in this article was collected from reliable medical sources, but some details may vary depending on the individual case of each woman.

Common mistakes that delay pregnancy: advice from a doctor

Delayed pregnancy is a common problem that affects many couples, causing them anxiety and stress. In this article, Dr. Reham Al-Shall, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology and delayed childbearing, provides valuable advice about common mistakes that delay pregnancy and ways to avoid them.

Common mistakes

Misconception about ovulation: Some couples believe that each menstrual cycle produces a fertilized egg, while ovulation may not occur in some cycles. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly monitor signs of ovulation, such as changes in vaginal secretions and high body temperature, or use home ovulation tests or follow ovulation with ultrasound.

Incomplete ovulation: The egg may grow without bursting, which leads to it not being released into the fallopian tube. This condition can be detected by monitoring ovulation with ultrasound.

Exaggerating the dates for the marital relationship: Some believe that setting specific dates for the marital relationship increases the chances of pregnancy, while this may lead to psychological pressure on the couple and negatively affect the chances of childbearing.

Daily marital intercourse: Studies have shown that daily intercourse may lead to weak sperm and their number, which reduces the chances of pregnancy.

Concern about constancy after marital relations: There is no scientific evidence confirming the necessity of constancy for a specific period of time after marital relations to increase the chances of pregnancy.

Delay in seeking medical help: It is recommended to go to the doctor after six months of trying to get pregnant without success, especially if the husband or wife has any medical problems.

Postponing pregnancy for unjustified reasons: Delaying pregnancy without a convincing medical reason may lead to missing reproductive opportunities, especially with age.

Listening to the advice of others: You should avoid listening to the advice of others who are not specialists, and rely only on the advice of a specialist doctor.

General tips

Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep help improve your chances of getting pregnant.

Reducing stress: Stress negatively affects the hormones responsible for reproduction, so care must be taken to reduce stress through relaxation techniques and practicing yoga or meditation.

Periodic follow-up with the doctor: It is recommended to visit the doctor periodically to perform the necessary tests and ensure the health of the spouses’ reproductive system.

In conclusion

Many of the causes of delayed pregnancy can be avoided by following the advice presented in this article, and consulting a specialist doctor if there are any health problems. Remember that there is always hope, and do not despair of achieving the dream of having children.

How does Co enzyme Q 10 help solve the problem of delayed childbearing?

In this article, Dr. Reham Al-Shall, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, ICSI and delayed childbearing, summarizes the benefits of Co enzyme Q 10 in treating delayed childbirth by improving the quality of eggs and improving the functioning of the uterine lining.

What is Co enzyme Q 10?

Coenzyme Q 10 is an enzyme and antioxidant that is made internally in the body and plays an important role in many body functions, including:

Energy Production: Co enzyme Q 10 helps convert food into usable energy by cells.

Protection against cell damage: This enzyme also fights free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can harm cells.

IMPROVE HEART HEALTH: Co enzyme Q 10 supports cardiovascular function.

Enhancing fertility: This enzyme is believed to improve the quality of eggs and sperm.

Benefits of Co enzyme Q 10 to solve the problem of delayed childbearing:

Studies have shown that Co enzyme Q 10 may have several benefits for women who want to become pregnant, including:

Co enzyme Q 10 can help reduce chronic inflammation, which can negatively affect fertility.

It also helps improve egg quality by increasing energy production and protecting eggs from damage.

Co enzyme Q 10 may help reduce the risk of miscarriage by improving the health of the uterine lining.

This enzyme may help improve sperm quality by increasing sperm motility and number.

Sources of Co enzyme Q 10:
Co enzyme Q 10 can be obtained through:

Diet: Rich sources of Co enzyme Q 10 are found in fish, meat, dairy products, nuts and seeds.

Nutritional supplements: Co enzyme Q 10 is available in the form of nutritional supplements in the form of capsules or tablets. In this case, the recommended dose varies according to the individual and his needs, so it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the appropriate dose.

side effects

In general, Co enzyme Q 10 is considered safe when taken in recommended doses. However, some people may experience mild side effects such as indigestion, nausea, or headache.

It is not recommended to take Co enzyme Q 10 without consulting a doctor, because it may interact with some medications, so it is important to inform the doctor of all the medications you are taking.