Is the home pregnancy test 100% accurate?

Many women resort to a home pregnancy test to find out whether they are pregnant or not. But are these tests 100% accurate?

the answer

The simple answer is no, home pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate.

Reasons for inaccuracy

When to take the test: It is recommended to take a home pregnancy test at least a week after your late period. The later the cycle, the more accurate the test.

Type of home pregnancy test: The accuracy of home pregnancy tests varies depending on their type. Some are more accurate than others.

The amount of hCG in the urine: The higher the amount of hCG in the urine, the more accurate the test.

Medications: Some medications may interact with a home pregnancy test and lead to incorrect results.

Medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome or miscarriage, may affect the accuracy of a home pregnancy test.

False negative results

In some cases, a home pregnancy test may show a negative result when the woman is actually pregnant.

Causes of false negative results

Test early: As mentioned earlier, the later the cycle, the more accurate the test.

Low level of pregnancy hormone: The level of pregnancy hormone in urine may be low at the beginning of pregnancy, which may lead to a false negative result.

Not following test instructions exactly: It is important to follow test instructions exactly to ensure a correct result.

False positive results

In rare cases, a home pregnancy test may show a positive result when the woman is not actually pregnant.

Causes of false positive results

Chemical pregnancy: It is an early loss of pregnancy in the first weeks.

The presence of the pregnancy hormone in the urine for other reasons: The pregnancy hormone may be present in the urine for reasons other than pregnancy, such as certain medications or ovarian problems.


If you have any doubts about the result of a home pregnancy test, it is best to see a doctor for a blood test. It is recommended to perform a blood test to measure the pregnancy hormone (hCG) to definitively confirm pregnancy.

Do not rely on a home pregnancy test alone to confirm or deny pregnancy.

In conclusion

Home pregnancy tests are a useful tool, but they are not 100% accurate. If you have any doubts about the result of a home pregnancy test, it is best to see a doctor.